The Benricho Series, published by Y’s Publishing, is the ultimate living guide for Japanese who live abroad and introduces all the necessary knowledge and know-how to spend comfortable life in respective cities.


The Benricho series provides a full of useful information for Japanese residents that a traditional travel guidebook cannot provide. Currently, we cover 16 U.S. cities including New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Chicago, Detroit, Boston, Washington D.C., Virginia, Atlanta, Alabama, Tennessee, Dallas, Houston, Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky, and 7 cities in Mexico and 6 cities in India. We sell those guidebooks in Japan as well and the number of copies sold is increasing year after year. The print and digital editions are sold in Kinokuniya Bookstore, Yaesu Book Center, bookstores in Narita Airports as well as, where the number of sales is significantly boosting.

Tokyo Headquarter is responsible for the publication of Kikoku Benricho (published bi-annually in May and October) including news gathering activities, editing and advertisement sales. It distributes the guidebook for free throughout 46 cities in 17 countries. Additionally, it also hosts online school fairs/orientations twice a year in June and October by utilizing Zoom webinars to connect returnee students abroad and private schools in Japan that actively accept returnee students to their middle schools, high schools and universities. Going forward, we put more weight on a consulting operation that specialized in returnee students abroad.

Company Profile

New York Headquarter

Y’s Publishing Co Inc.
228 East 45th St. #1802
New York, NY 10017
Tokyo Headquarter

Y’s Publishing Japan Co. Ltd.
1-5-8 Tsukiji Chuoku, Hiizumi Bld 7Fl, Tokyo Japan 104-0045
Tel. 03-5148-0450


Corporate website
New York Benricho website
Kikoku Benricho website

March 1, 1995

Jin Yoshida (Click here for Greetings)

Business Descriptions
  1. Publication business
    – The Benricho series for 16 U.S. cities, 6 cities in Mexico, 6 cities in India
    – 72 Weekend Getaways from New York
    – Deep-Dive Benricho for Japanese who have been living in NY for more than 10 Years
    – Kids’ Benricho
    – Kids’ Benricho Special Edition – Summer Camps
    – New York Benricho Map
    – Kikoku Benricho
  2. Printing business
    Creates and prints business cards, posters, brochures, company pamphlets, greeting cards, translations, customs cards
  3. Internet business
    Designs, operates and manages New York Benricho website/
    Advertisement sales, creation and online shopping
  4. Global Career business
    Plans and conducts a trip called “Global Career Program in NY” collaborating with a major travel agency, targeting from 9th grades to Sophomores who reside in Japan. It’s a 5 nights/ 7 days trip to visit Columbia University, United Nations, major Japanese corporations in NY. The trip gives children an opportunity to experience the importance of language skills as well as global mindset.

History of Y’s Publishing Group

March, 1995 – Y’s Publishing Co Inc. has established.

Acquired the copyright of “New York Benricho” from the founder. Then published the series of Benricho, currently available in 30 different Benricho both in print and digital editions.

September, 2003 – Daily World Press Inc.

Published the first issue of Japanese free daily newspaper called “Daily SUN NY”. Consisting of 44 pages, the newspaper made an exclusive wire agreement with Sankei Sports and Kyodo News. Installed more than 300 free distribution stations throughout the NY metropolitan area including Japanese restaurants, hair salons, schools, tutoring schools, and corporations. The newspaper had been switched from daily to bi-daily on Monday, Wednesday and Friday since 2010. Currently the newspaper is available only in app and e-newsletter edition, and has been issued Monday through Friday, consisting of 18-24 pages. The business had been sold to a different owner in 2017.

July, 2005 – Weekly Business News Corp.

Succeeded “Business News”, a well-established weekly newspaper for more than 30 years from the founder. Specialized in Japanese–U.S. business news delivered from Jiji Press and AP.

The business had been sold to a former staff writer in 2010.

September, 2007 – Y’s Publishing Japan Co. Ltd.

Launched the first issue of bi-monthly magazine called “Kikoku Benricho”, a free educational magazine to support returnee students abroad. Since 2009, the magazine has been switched to bi-annually in May and October, and it is distributed throughout 41 cities in 13 countries. The web edition has been updated more frequently and carried more information that the print edition cannot cover.

September, 2012 – Y’s Academy

Launched an online tutoring school for returnee students who are currently residing in North America and Latin America. The targeted students are between 3rd grade to 12th grade. The students are all over the world. Originally the tutoring sessions were taught 3 students by one teacher. Since 2015, one-on-one tutoring sessions have been started.

The business had been sold to a major tutoring company in 2020.

Greetings from the President

My sincere gratitude to everyone – My life with Benricho

Y’s Publishing Co., Inc. was established on March 1st, 1995. The premiere edition of “New York Benricho” was published in June, 1977. That means I am not a founder of “New York Benricho.” The very first publication I issued was the 8th edition. I acquired the copyright of Benricho from the founder and succeeded the business with 4 staff members. It is my indescribable pleasure that our company was able to make a social contribution by small ingenuity and a tireless effort which led to a long-term business operation.

To be honest, I am so fascinated by New York Benricho. I truly extend my gratitude to our readers, advertisement sponsors, and all of you who continuously love and support Benricho.

President & CEO   Jin Yoshida


My sincere gratitude to everyone – My life with Benricho

Y’s Publishing Co., Inc. was established on March 1st, 1995. The premiere edition of “New York Benricho” was published in June, 1977. That means I am not a founder of “New York Benricho.” The very first publication I issued was the 8th edition. I acquired the copyright of Benricho from the founder and succeeded the business with 4 staff members. It is my indescribable pleasure that our company was able to make a social contribution by small ingenuity and a tireless effort which led to a long-term business operation.

To be honest, I am so fascinated by New York Benricho. I truly extend my gratitude to our readers, advertisement sponsors, and all of you who continuously love and support Benricho.

President & CEO   Jin Yoshida